Future Poets

This book is for all my fellow teachers out there who enjoy poetry and believe their students will become better writers if they keep practicing. Here are hundreds of ideas to stimulate your student’s imaginations; students who are often willing to write, but don’t have a clue what to write about. These ideas will give them a place to start.


Huckleberry Dick

This book is a love story, detective tale. You decide if it’s a great American novel. Joe Freedom is a private investigator who finds lost things. Sometimes they don’t want to be found, which makes it all the more interesting. And for the first time since the last time, he’s found love, or thinks he has, shrinks he has. (You’ll see). The case: Professor Otis Grille’s daughter Alex is missing. Her family and friends are clueless as to her whereabouts. Joe and his therapist, Vana Fox, team up to profile Alex, search for her, and learn to love each other. They practice often. test


Write On

Write On helps aspiring writers with the age old question: What can I write about? It provides hundreds of ways to start a narrative or poem using thought-provoking questions, famous quotes, story ideas, plot outlines and more. This book contains Notes on writing, Quick Lists, Using quotations, Starting Lines, Questions, Story Starters, Plot Plans, Writing Topics, Examples of Writing Lesson Plans, Descriptive, Narrative, Informative and Persuasive Essays, Notes on Improving Word Choice, Interviewing, Advertising Tricks and Colorful Cultural Phrases.

Jesse, Son of God

Jesse, Son of God is a spoof on the story of Job with a twist. This time the Devil tells God, “Sure Jesus loved you. He knew he was your Son. But I’ll bet you, if you have another Son and you don’t tell him of his divinity, then he couldn’t find you with a map.” So, being a sporting sort, the Lord agrees to the wager. Now it’s up to Satan to lead Jesse (God’s second son) away from the straight and narrow path, which isn’t all that difficult since Jesse is easily distracted by girls, drugs, fishing and life in a Hawaiian paradise.


Drama Games and Acting Exercises: 177 games and activities

Bringing creative drama activities into the classroom reaches across all disciplines, creating opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning. Middle school students especially have lots of energy and are learning to express their individuality. They need to try out new ideas, explore, and interact.

Faith, Love and Hope

This is Rod Martin's first publication of his poetic writings which have been fifty years in the making. Here are poems about Faith, the importance of Love and our need for Hope in this modern world. (And also Politics, Prisons, Money, Grandkids, Teaching, Comedy, War and Peace, Children's Poems, and Stupidity.) Available for purchase from Amazon Books.

Painted Poetry

This work offers a rich tapestry of emotions and reflections that will resonate with anyone who values family, contemplates their personal journey, or finds beauty in the small, everyday moments that make life extraordinary. The collection is deeply artistic, blending introspective reflections with vivid imagery and layered meanings. Martin's use of language is lush and descriptive, weaving a tapestry of words that invites the reader to engage with poetry not only as a written form but as an experience painting crafted from the brushstrokes of language. This interplay between the visual and literary arts is a defining feature of the collection, where each poem is like a visual masterpiece, evoking both emotion and thought. At the heart of Painted Poetry lies the transformative power of love. In essence, Painted Poetry is not just a book of poems- it's a journey, a reflection, and a celebration of the beauty that can be found in both the ordinary and the profound moments of life.


Rod Martin

Rod Martin is a published author, poet, songwriter and playwright living in a Hawaii rain forest called Kahalu’u.. For thirty years, he taught Poetry, Drama, English, and Television Production in Hawaii Public Schools.

Recently retired, he wrote three books to help teachers: Drama Games and Acting Exercises teaches how to incorporate improvisational theatre into the curriculum; Future Poets serves as a guide to writing new styles of poetry; and Write On provides writing prompts and quotations to help students get started with writing. His first novel, Jesse, Son of God, is based on autobiographical experiences framed in a wager between God and the Devil. His latest book, Huckleberry Dick is a love story detective novel featuring Joe Freedom, private investigator and Vana Fox, his voluptuous therapist.

Rod’s children’s books include The Tale of Natalie Nightingale, Baby’s Day, Excuses, Excuses, The Tale of the Vorpul Snit, Check This Out, and Things I Don't Know about Animals.

Rod is also involved in the local theatre scene, having written and produced several movie musicals: the children’s sci-fi melodrama musical, Star Pieces; the gospel musical, One More Time!; and the whodunit musical, Love Hurts, But Murder Kills. He is the founder of the Honolulu Improvisational Theatre Company (HITco).

As a songwriter, Rod has had his music featured on Saturday Night Live and has numerous albums available from I-tunes and CD Baby (search: Rod Martin and Friends). You can view over sixty music videos on YouTube by searching for the
"Rod Martin and Friends Channel".

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